Aberdeenshire UNISON

St Andrews Day March and Rally 2015

St Andrew's Day March and Rally welcomes refugees in the spirit of our compassion and shared humanity

See the full report on the ATUC blog

St Andrews Day MarchThe branch joined around two hundred trade unionists, politicians and members of faith and community groups at the Aberdeen St Andrew’s Day March and Rally on 28th November to give a clear and unequivocal message that  in the name of our shared humanity, refugees are welcome here in the North East of Scotland – racism and fascism are not!

As the march snaked down Union Street to the rhythm of the Guarana Drummers, passers by again stopped to watch the colourful procession created by the banners of trade unions and community groups, led as always by the red and white banner of the Aberdeen Trades Union Council, who organised the event.

RallyAt the rally in the Castlegate, speaker after speaker from trade unionists to community group members to politicians to a refugee, spoke passionately about our shared humanity with all those fleeing war, poverty and oppression.

Click here to read more on the ATUC blog.


Come along to the St Andrews Day March and Rally and show that refugees are welcome in the North East and racism and fascism are not

Sat 28th November 2015

PosterWe are urging all our members to join us at the St Andrew's Day March and Rally, to give a clear message that refugees are welcome in the North East of Scotland but racism and fascism is not.

Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair, who will be chairing the Rally as President of the Aberdeen Trades Union Council said, The theme of this year's event is that refugees are welcome here.

"This important message reflects the theme of the STUC March and Rally which will take place in Glasgow at the same time.

Click here for more information

"When local people saw the terrible plight of the refugees in Calais and across Europe they rallied to provide support.

"Aberdeenshire council has called on the UK Government to extend offers of asylum to many more refugees fleeing war and oppression in Syria and has pledged to take refugees into our communities.

"Yet as our Tory government dithers, still thousands of desperate people are fleeing war, oppression, and hunger, and risking their lives on a hazardous journey. Many, including children, have lost their lives en route. But for accident of birth they could be our children. They deserve our compassion, but more importantly our support."

11am Assemble at St Nicholas Churchyard. Look out for the branch banner and join us to march behind it.

11.30am March down Union Street

12.15pm Rally at the Castlegate

There will be speakers from trade unions, community and faith organisations and political parties at the rally.
