Aberdeenshire UNISON

Motions for AGM 2008

Honoraria payments
Support staff in schools
Funding crisis in the voluntary sector
Support for Shelter Scotland affordable housing campaign
Asylum seeker children
Shift allowance
Reduce child poverty


In accordance with Branch Rule 12 (iv) Honoraria payments are recommended to be paid as follows:
Secretary £1736
Treasurer £1163
Assistant Secretary (2) £822 each
Auditors (2) £135 each

Proposed: Branch Committee



This AGM believes that the education of our children is of major importance and that this education should be holistic and should enable children of every ability to reach their full potential.

It recognises that the staff who support the formal teaching role, many of whom are UNISON members, have a key role as essential members of the education team, whether they are nursery nurses, classroom assistants and SFL auxiliaries, pupil support staff, janitors, technicians or admin and clerical staff.

However, this is often not reflected in the pay and status of these roles within schools and these staff are often treated as second class to teaching staff.

The AGM welcomes the setting up of the Educational Issues Group in UNISON Scotland, to take forward the issues and concerns of this group of UNISON members and raise their profile and status. It also supports the work already done in the branch over the past year to promote the interest of our members who are classroom assistants and SFL auxiliaries and janitorial and technical staff, particularly in relation to single status and equal pay and the modernisation reviews.

It calls on the branch:
1. to continue this work at branch level to protect the interest of these and other members in education as appropriate;
2. to encourage further recruitment of members in this sector;
3. to identify, support and provide training for activists amongst these members;
4. to continue to raise awareness of these issues through the branch newsletter, website and members meetings etc;
5. to call on UNISON Scotland through the STUC to seek the support of the Teaching Unions in building on the work already done and to lobby for proper recognition, pay and status for our members who support and deliver the Education of Scotland's children.

Proposed Branch Committee


